What happened?

What happened during the 2007-8 financial crisis? Here's a reading from my classes that I think may be of interest to a broader audience: "Getting up to Speed on the Financial Crisis: A One-Weekend-Reader's Guide" by Gary B. Gorton and Andrew Metrick, writing in January 2012 (PDF from NBER). Covering 16 sources (academic papers, a few reports by institutions, and Congressional testimony by Bernanke) Gorton and Metrick provide a timeline of the crisis, some historical perspective on past banking crises, the build-up to this crisis, phases of the crisis itself, and government responses.

It's just 34 pages and interesting throughout -- the only shortcoming is that the PDF is rendered in Calibri.

A related article is Andrew Lo's "Reading About the Financial Crisis: A 21-Book Review" (PDF), which includes this:

No single narrative emerges from this broad and often contradictory collection of interpretations, but the sheer variety of conclusions is informative, and underscores the desperate need for the economics profession to establish a single set of facts from which more accurate inferences and narratives can be constructed.

Discussions of causes are difficult when you don't agree on the simpler matters of what actually happened -- which speaks to the importance of trying to simply get at (as Gorton and Metrick are trying to do) an account of what happened.

On food deserts

Gina Kolata, writing for the New York Times, has sparked some debate with this article: "Studies Question the Pairing of Food Deserts and Obesity". In general I often wish that science reporting focused more on how the new studies fit in with the old, rather than just the (exciting) new ones. On first reading I noticed that one study is described as having explored the association of "the type of food within a mile and a half of their homes" with what people eat. This raised a little question mark in my mind, as I know that prior studies have often looked at distances much shorter than 1.5 miles, but it was mostly a vague hesitation. And if you didn't know that before reading the article, then you've missed a major difference between the old and new results (and one that could have been easily explained). Also, describing something as "an article of faith" when it's arguably something more like "the broad conclusion draw from most most prior research"... that certainly established an editorial tone from the beginning.

Intrigued, I sent the piece to a friend (and former public health classmate) who has work on food deserts, to get a more informed reaction. I'm sharing her thoughts here (with permission) because this is an area of research that I don't follow as closely, and her reactions helped me to situate this story in the broader literature:

1. This quote from the article is so good!

"It is always easy to advocate for more grocery stores,” said Kelly D. Brownell, director of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, who was not involved in the studies. “But if you are looking for what you hope will change obesity, healthy food access is probably just wishful thinking.”

The "unhealthy food environment" has a much bigger impact on diet than the "healthy food environment", but it's politically more viable to work from an advocacy standpoint than a regulatory standpoint. (On that point, you still have to worry about what food is available - you can't just take out small businesses in impoverished neighborhoods and not replace it with anything.)

2. The article is too eager to dismiss the health-food access relationship. There's good research out there, but there's constant difficulty with tightening methods/definitions and deciding what to control for. The thing that I think is really powerful about the "food desert" discourse is that it opens doors to talk about race, poverty, community, culture, and more. At the end of the day, grocery stores are good for low-income areas because they bring in money and raise property values. If the literature isn't perfect on health effects, I'm still willing to advocate for them.

3. I want to know more about the geography of the study that found that low-income areas had more grocery stores than high-income areas. Were they a mix of urban, peri-urban, and rural areas? Because that's a whole other bear. (Non-shocker shocker: rural areas have food deserts... rural poverty is still a problem!)

4. The article does a good job of pointing to how difficult it is to study this. Hopkins (and the Baltimore Food Czar) are doing some work with healthy food access scores for neighborhoods. This would take into account how many healthy food options there are (supermarkets, farmers' markets, arabers, tiendas) and how many unhealthy food options there are (fast food, carry out, corner stores).

5. The studies they cite are with kids, but the relationship between food insecurity (which is different, but related to food access) and obesity is only well-established among women. (This, itself, is not talked about enough.) The thinking is that kids are often "shielded" from the effects of food insecurity by their mothers, who eat a yo-yo diet depending on the amount of food in the house.

My friend also suggested the following articles for additional reading:

More on microfoundations

Last month I wrote a long-ish post describing the history of the "microfounded" approaches to macroeconomics. For a while I was updating that post with links to recent blog posts as the debate continued, but I stopped after the list grew too long. Now Simon Wren-Lewis has written two more posts that I think are worth highlighting because they come from someone who is generally supportive of the microfoundations approach (I've found his defense of the general approach quite helpful), but who still has some specific critiques. The end of his latest post puts these critiques in context:

One way of reading these two posts is a way of exploring Krugman’s Mistaking Beauty for Truth essay. I know the reactions of colleagues, and bloggers, to this piece have been quite extreme: some endorsing it totally, while others taking strong exception to its perceived targets. My own reaction is very similar to Karl Smith here. I regard what has happened as a result of the scramble for austerity in 2010 to be in part a failure of academic macroeconomics. It would be easy to suggest that this was only the result of unfortunate technical errors, or political interference, and that otherwise the way we do macro is basically fine. I think Krugman was right to suggest otherwise. Given the conservative tendency in any group, an essay that said maybe there might just be an underlying problem here would have been ignored. The discipline needed a wake-up call from someone with authority who knew what they were talking about. Identifying exactly what those problems are, and what to do about them, seems to me an important endeavour that has only just begun.

Here are his two posts:

  1. The street light problem: "I do think microfoundations methodology is progressive. The concern is that, as a project, it may tend to progress in directions of least resistance rather than in the areas that really matter – until perhaps a crisis occurs."
  2. Ideological bias: "In RBC [Real Business Cycle] models, all changes in unemployment are voluntary. If unemployment is rising, it is because more workers are choosing leisure rather than work. As a result, high unemployment in a recession is not a problem at all.... If anyone is reading this who is not familiar with macroeconomics, you might guess that this rather counterintuitive theory is some very marginal and long forgotten macroeconomic idea. You would be very wrong."

Name that quote

I'm reading Evolving Economics, a highly-regarded history of economic thought by Agnar Sandmo. I thought one tidbit early on was quite interesting: it comes in the course of a discussion of a once-common method of charging tolls based on the weight of carriages. Sandmo quotes an economist who recommended different rates for luxury versus other transport.

Thus, "...the indolence and vanity of the rich is made to contribute in a very easy manner to the relief of the poor, by rendering cheaper the transportation of heavy goods to all the different parts of the country."

Who said that? Answer below the fold...

Adam Smith, the patron saint of laissez-faire economists everywhere, in The Wealth of Nations no less. Sandmo comments, "This formulation is notable both for its substantial content and for the tone of its language, which leaves one with no doubt as to the author's sympathy and social concerns."

Monday Miscellany

  • Today is the 2012 "Day Without Dignity." What's that? Saundra S of the blog Good Intentions Are Not Enough explains: "A Day Without Dignity was started last year as a counter-campaign to TOMs Shoes One Day Without Shoes event. With so many Whites in Shining Armor projects making the news we decided this year to focus on local champions instead." There are 24 posts and counting for Local Champions linked here, or you can follow #localchampions on Twitter.
  • Lee Crawfurd shares this post by Gabriel Demombynes at the World Bank's Development Impact blog, a fascinating comparison of an intervention implemented simultaneously by an NGO and a government, resulting in quite different results.
  • Alex Evans explores what comes after the Millennium Development Goals.
  • Do child sponsorship programs actually work? Maybe so.
  • "Interactive Islands of Mankind" is a simple but sweet interactive tool by Derek Watkins that lets you see variations in population density around the world.
  • Finally, a hilarious Public Service Announcement regarding safe sex for senior citizens is going viral (pun intended). No comment on whether this will be effective, but it is certainly getting some attention.

Non-representative sample of Hunger Games responses

I had the idea for the Hunger Games survival analysis post Tuesday afternoon and published it about 24 hours later (and yes, in the meantime I did sleep, eat, and do a bit of real work as well). I thought it might hit a nerdy nerve by meshing pop culture and stats, and I was right. Three days later it's been read by over 12,000 people on my site alone, and the average time on page is long enough that I think folks are actually reading it and not just looking at the pretty pictures. It was picked up by Andrew Gelman and Jezebel (a Venn diagram with only this in the middle, I bet) and everyone from Stata to Discover Magazine shared it on Twitter.

All that to say, I think there's a market for explaining statistics and concepts from social science (I tried to work in some political science, economics, and psychology research) using pop culture tie-ins, so I may do some more of this.

For now I want to share some of the humorous reactions I've seen:

  • A classmates who is familiar with survival analysis but hasn't read the books saw the graphs and her immediate response was "Oh no, what happened on the first day? Those poor children!"
  • Richard Williams, commenting on the Stata listserv discussion: "If Stata can win over the Hunger Games crowd, SAS & SPSS are finished."
  • One of the comments on Metafilter kind of misses the point: "I love statistics, but come on: The major finding here is that Suzanne Collins did a good job creating a fictional dataset that shows some significant differences between groups. Yes, that's because statistics measures deviations from randomness, and Collins *made up the data* as part of her novel's plot." Shocking.
  • A friend to a friend of mine on Gchat: "he used Stata for a Good Thing. It was Interesting. That's im-[ahem]-Possible and he Did It.
  • Finally, the Teaching Assistant from last semester's generalized linear models class threatened to grade it as an assignment. Next time I'll use data where the assumption of the model (proportional hazards) aren't clearly violated...

An application of survival analysis to the Hunger Games (seriously)

I just finished what is quite possibly the nerdiest thing I've ever written:  "Hunger Games survival analysis." I manage to pull in articles from Matt Yglesias and Erik Kain and discuss tesserae inflation, Prospect Theory, demographics, research by Acemoglu and Robinson and by Michael Clemens, game theory, coordination failures, arguments for open data, and of course the namesake survival analysis. Complete with Kaplan-Meier survival estimator graphs and all:

I posted it as a page rather than a blog post to make some of the formatting easier, so please click through to read the real thing.

Outbreak control

The latest MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) from the CDC  has a summary of a meningitis outbreak in Oklahoma and how public health authorities responded: "Outbreak of Meningococcal Disease Associated with an Elementary School - Oklahoma, March 2010." MMWR reports have a consistent style that I think is helpful for this sort of notice: they're short with tight editing and little superfluous information. They also often present harrying situations that are made more disturbing by the clinical detachment. In this case:

Five cases of meningococcal disease (including one probable case) were identified among four elementary school students and one high school student. Two students died; two recovered fully, and one survivor required amputation of all four limbs and facial reconstruction.

They also often include a helpful summary answering three questions: 1) What is already known on this topic? 2) What is added by this report? and 3) What are the implications for public health practice? I think some other publications (especially in the social sciences) would benefit from this helpful little formatting addition.

Before you get all excited about male birth control

When you're a public health grad student and something related to health hits the news, your friends make sure you see it. Since there's a lot of bad science writing on the internet this can be rather frustrating. In the last few hours I've seen several people post this  to Facebook, and another emailed me with the subject line "Woh" and asked if this was too good to be true.... So what's the story? Techcitement has a breathless article titled "The Best Birth Control In The World Is For Men" by Jon Clinkenbeard, which he followed up with "Could This Male Contraceptive Pill Make a Vas Deferens in the Fight Against HIV?" The first article starts with this hook:

If I were going to describe the perfect contraceptive, it would go something like this: no babies, no latex, no daily pill to remember, no hormones to interfere with mood or sex drive, no negative health effects whatsoever, and 100 percent effectiveness. The funny thing is, something like that currently exists.

Clinkenbeard is describing RISUG, or "Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance." Wikipedia explains:

RISUG is similar to vasectomy in that a local anesthetic is administered, an incision is made in the scrotum, and the vas deferens is tugged out with a small pair of forceps. Rather than being cut and cauterized, as it is in a vasectomy, the vas deferens is injected with [a] polymer gel and pushed back into the scrotum.

Sounds awesome? Why don't we have it already? Clinkenbeard continues:

The trouble is, most people don’t even know this exists. And if men only need one super-cheap shot every 10 years or more, that’s not something that gets big pharmaceutical companies all fired up, because they’ll make zero money on it (even if it might have the side benefit of, you know, destroying HIV).

Before you go injecting something in your scrotum... not so fast! Yes, in one sense it exists. But on the other hand we don't really know how well it works, and we don't really know how safe it is. Clinkenbeard makes it sound like it's a done deal, and claiming that Big Pharma is standing between you and the cure for babies (not to mention HIV!) certainly helped the article go viral. He then links to a bunch or articles and a few petitions.

While pharmaceutical companies do all sorts of things to manipulate data (start here if you don't believe that), I think they could actually make TONS of money on this if it worked. The price of medicines isn't usually based on how much they cost to manufacture but on how much they can be sold for, and I think there's clearly a market for male contraception: just think how much men would pay for the insurance to both avoid pregnancy and not have to use condoms. A drug company could conceivably make a lot of money off this product by getting it to market first.

Guha's initial studies were very small. A Phase II clinical trial published by Guha et al in 1997 featured a grand total of 12 men (PDF). (It also contains this humorous understatement: "Objective data on posttreatment frequency of intercourse could not be obtained.") In another study 20 men received an injection, but one man's partner still got pregnant.

Before a drug can (or should) go to market, it needs to be tested for both efficacy and safety, and everything needs to be done up to certain standards. Guha's original work wasn't. From a Wired article on RISUG by Bill Gifford, published this time last year:

In its report, the WHO team agreed that the concept of RISUG was intriguing. But they found fault with the homegrown production methods: Guha and his staff made the concoction themselves in his lab, and the WHO delegation found his facilities wanting by modern pharmaceutical manufacturing standards. Furthermore, they found that Guha’s studies did not meet “international regulatory requirements” for new drug approval—certain data was missing. The final recommendation: WHO should pass on RISUG.

These barriers can be overcome, if the researchers can get the investment necessary to make high quality product and run clinical trials. The Wired article describes how they've made progress and are now running clinical trials in India -- but the results are still a few years out. In the same article we get this:

"Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in one-offs," Weiss says. "They’re interested in things they can sell repeatedly, like the birth control pill or Viagra."

But that's not as true as it used to be. These arguments used to explain why pharmaceutical companies didn't invest in developing vaccines, but then they realized they could charge obscene amounts for individual doses -- orders of magnitude higher than what they charged before. They've managed these high prices because 1) there are always new cohorts of kids needing the vaccine (as there would be with men needing RISUG) and 2) because the health benefits are so large that even at the higher prices the vaccines are cost effective.

So are pharma companies just disinterested in male contraception? No. For quick and dirty evidence check ClinicalTrials.gov, where US clinical trials must be registered. I find 436 studies on contraception, of which 84 are specifically about male contraception. There's a disparity there, but it's explained in part by the fact that many of the non-male contraception studies are about delivery methods (like this one involving text message reminders) and you can't even start do this sort of research on male birth control before we have effective methods. Maybe they're under-investing a bit -- drug R&D is risky, as firms spend an average of $1.3 billion on research for every one drug  brought to market -- but it's not being ignored.

In closing, that Wired article from last year has some of the same breathless new-techthusiasm as the new Techcitement piece, but it's a lot better at explaining where things stand today. Clinical trials in India are ongoing, but it will be another year or so before we hear any results. If those are considered high quality and they're successful, it might spur the drug behemoths to up the massive amounts required for clinical trials in the US.

Generally, getting your science news from the coauthor of "The Pirate Treasure of the Himalaya" does't seem like the best idea. Drugs and treatments fail at every stage of the clinical trials pipeline, and that's a good thing because it means consumers will be less likely to spend money on ineffective or unsafe drugs. If everything works out with RISUG, it could be an incredible success story and a great public health tool. There might well be hope on the horizon, but contrary to Clinkenbeard's assertions we don't yet know very well if this works, and we don't yet know if it's safe. For that, we need good ole clinical trials, not petitions.

Two excellent fora

First, a forum on Afghanistan in The New Republic. One depressing view comes from Amitai Etzioni:

I long argued that before we promote the full slew of human rights, we should attend to the most basic of them all: to protect life. Not because other rights are unimportant but because they are contingent on keeping people alive. We are failing this test in Afghanistan as we are about to leave after the elections, and leave a country in which killing will be rampant. We should try to work with the ISI, which has some leverage over the Taliban, to see if, in exchange for our support, they would try to avoid a civil war in Afghanistan and ensure that it will not serve again as a haven for terrorists. If not, we better have the drones ready.

I am not surprised that we shall not leave behind a stable democratic country; I never believed we could engage in nation building in this part of the world. And I am not surprised that we shall leave behind a country even more corrupt and subject to drug lords that we found. I am distressed about the size of the cemeteries Afghanistan will need.

Second, on inequality in the US and what can be done, in the Boston Review. Topics covered include taxes on the rich, education, labor markets, and much more.

Monday Miscellany

  • Erin Fletcher reviews Matt Yglesias' new book, The Rent is Too Damn High, and summarizes it nicely along the way.
  • What does transportation legislation have to do with public health? More than you might think: which systems our government chooses to subsidize have a huge though indirect impact on decisions we make on where to live and how to get around, which in turn impact exercise and obesity. The Pump Handle - a public health blog - talks about the current transportation bill here.
  • A fascinating controversy is unfolding in experimental psychology (specifically on priming effects) after researchers attempted to replicate a seminal finding and came up short. Discussion here.
  • Andrew Gelman's blog is read by social scientists of many stripes -- from statisticians to political scientists and economists -- so when he titles a post "Economics now = Freudian psychology in the 1950s..." you know the comments will be good.
  • "How sure are you that your models are correct?" asks Observational Epidemiology: "This is not to say that we should be reckless. But policies like austerity in a time of high unemployment have immediate and real costs." Read the rest here.

Fluoride in New Jersey

I saw this poster at a bus stop on campus a couple weeks ago:

If you can't read it, the title reads: "Stop the New Jersey Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act" and it goes on to say "Fluoride is a toxic chemical even in the smallest doses and when pumped into our water supply it is impossible to control the level of consumption." (emphasis added)

I took a picture but didn't think about it again until I saw this article on Friday: "In New Jersey, a Battle Over a Fluoridation Bill, and the Facts" (NYT) by Kate Zernike. I appreciate that she calls the fearmongering what it is -- a conspiracy theory:

While 72 percent of Americans get their water from public systems that add fluoride, just 14 percent of New Jersey residents do, placing the state next to last... A bill in the Legislature would change that, requiring all public water systems in New Jersey to add fluoride to the supply. But while the proposal has won support from a host of medical groups, it has proved unusually politically charged.

Similar bills have failed in the state since 2005, under pressure from the public utilities lobby and municipalities that argue that fluoridation costs too much, environmentalists who say it pollutes the water supply, and antifluoride activists who argue that it causes cancer, lowers I.Q. and amounts to government-forced medicine.

Public health officials argue that the evidence does not support any of those arguments — and to the contrary, that fluoridating the water is the single best weapon in fighting tooth decay, the most prevalent disease among children.

But they also say they are fighting a proliferation of misleading information. While conspiracy theories about fluoride in public water supplies have circulated since the early days of the John Birch Society, they now thrive online, where anyone, with a little help from Google, can suddenly become a medical authority.

The whole article is worth a read. I think it's a pretty good journalistic take on a charged issue that is a political controversy but not a scientific one. It gives some context as to why people are against it -- a few misleading studies amplified by word of mouth and the Internet -- but also emphasizes which side the evidence base (overwhelmingly) backs up.

Further, there are some echoes here of the anti-vaccine movement,  in that a move to reduce the threshold of acceptable fluoride levels  by HHS was taken to be an acknowledgment that the worst fears of the fluoridation foes were vindicated. That parallels how any mention of efforts to improve vaccine safety (a good thing) is misshapen by antivaccine activists into an acknowledgment that their theories have been vindicated. In short, I'm looking forward to Seth Mnookin's take on all this.

Monday Miscellany

Read Harold Pollack on the National Longitudinal Surveys and why they're at risk. In short, these surveys are the sort of public good information function that are extremely valuable but require consistent investments over many years for maximum benefit:

These surveys aren’t cheap. They cost several million dollars every year to do right. They are also a bargain. By spending $6 million per year for high-quality national surveys, we increase the chances that we will do a better job as we spend maybe 2,000 times that figure for preschool services to low-income children, not to mention even greater amounts for public assistance benefits, community colleges, and more.

Christina Paxson, our Dean at the Woodrow Wilson School, will be the next president of Brown University. Paxson is an economist whose research focuses on poverty and health over the lifespan, has really built up the health offerings at the Woo -- she started the Center for Health and Wellbeing, for one. A sampling of her research:

  • "Economic Status and Health in Childhood: The Origins of the Gradient" (link)
  • "The lasting impact of childhood health and circumstance" (link)
  • "Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes" (link)

Based on a great review by Daniel Altman (see ET's Guide to the Global Economy) I bought -- for just $3 -- a new ebook by Alan Beattie: Who's in Charge Here? How Governments Are Failing the World Economy? It's a quick read and is a great little political economy narrative of what's been going on for the last few years.

This great headline comes from my classmate Jesse Singal: "Drug-Testing Welfare Recipients: Expensive and Pointless, But Otherwise A Great Idea"

Finally, Alan Jacobs describes how academic search user interfaces clash with Google-trained minds.

Up to speed: microfoundations

[Admin note: this is the first of a new series of "Up to speed" posts which will draw together information on a subject that's either new to me or has been getting a lot of play lately in the press or in some corner of the blogosphere. The idea here is that folks who are experts on this particular subject might not find anything new; I'm synthesizing things for those who want to get up to speed.]

Microfoundations (Wikipedia) are quite important in modern macroeconomics. Modern macroeconomics really started with Keynes. His landmark General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (published in 1936) set the stage for pretty much everything that has come since. Basically everything that came before Keynes couldn't explain the Great Depression -- or worse yet how the world might get out of it -- and Keynes' theories (rightly or wrongly) became popular because they addressed that central failing.

One major criticism was that modern macroeconomic models like Keynes' were top-down, only looking at aggregate totals of measures like output and investment. That may not seem too bad, but when you tried to break things down to the underlying individual behaviors that would add up to those aggregates, wacky stuff happens. At that point microeconomic models were much better fleshed out, and the micro models all started with individual rational actors maximizing their utility, assumptions that macroeconomists just couldn't get from breaking down their aggregate models.

The most influential criticism came from Robert Lucas, in what became known as the Lucas Critique (here's a PDF of his 1976 paper). Lucas basically argued that aggregate models weren't that helpful because they were only looking at surface-level parameters without understanding the underlying mechanisms. If something -- like the policy environment -- changes drastically then the old relationships that were observed in the aggregate data may no longer apply. An example from Wikipedia:

One important application of the critique is its implication that the historical negative correlation between inflation and unemployment, known as the Phillips Curve, could break down if the monetary authorities attempted to exploit it. Permanently raising inflation in hopes that this would permanently lower unemployment would eventually cause firms' inflation forecasts to rise, altering their employment decisions.

Economists responded by developing "micro-founded" macroeconomic models, ones that built up from the sum of microeconomic models. The most commonly used of these models is called, awkwardly, dynamic stochastic general equilibirum (DGSE). Much of my study time this semester involves learning the math behind this. What's the next step forward from DGSE? Are these models better than the old Keynesian models? How do we even define "better"? These are all hot topics in macro at the moment. There's been a recent spat in the economics blogosphere that illustrates this -- what follows are a few highlights.

Back in 2009 Paul Krugman (NYT columnist, Nobel winner, and Woodrow Wilson School professor) wrote an article titled "How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?" that included this paragraph:

As I see it, the economics profession went astray because economists, as a group, mistook beauty, clad in impressive-looking mathematics, for truth. Until the Great Depression, most economists clung to a vision of capitalism as a perfect or nearly perfect system. That vision wasn’t sustainable in the face of mass unemployment, but as memories of the Depression faded, economists fell back in love with the old, idealized vision of an economy in which rational individuals interact in perfect markets, this time gussied up with fancy equations. The renewed romance with the idealized market was, to be sure, partly a response to shifting political winds, partly a response to financial incentives. But while sabbaticals at the Hoover Institution and job opportunities on Wall Street are nothing to sneeze at, the central cause of the profession’s failure was the desire for an all-encompassing, intellectually elegant approach that also gave economists a chance to show off their mathematical prowess.

Last month Stephen Williamson wrote this:

[Because of the financial crisis] There was now a convenient excuse to wage war, but in this case a war on mainstream macroeconomics. But how can this make any sense? The George W era produced a political epiphany for Krugman, but how did that ever translate into a war on macroeconomists? You're right, it does not make any sense. The tools of modern macroeconomics are no more the tools of right-wingers than of left-wingers. These are not Republican tools, Libertarian tools, Democratic tools, or whatever.

A bit of a sidetrack, but this prompted Noah Smith to write a long post (that is generally more technical than I want to get in to here) defending the idea that modern macro models (like DSGE) are in fact ideologically biased, even if that's not their intent. Near the end:

So what this illustrates is that it's really hard to make a DSGE model with even a few sort-of semi-realistic features. As a result, it's really hard to make a DSGE model in which government policy plays a useful role in stabilizing the business cycle. By contrast, it's pretty easy to make a DSGE model in which government plays no useful role, and can only mess things up. So what ends up happening? You guessed it: a macro literature where most papers have only a very limited role for government.

In other words, a macro literature whose policy advice is heavily tilted toward the political preferences of conservatives.

Back on the main track, Simon Wren-Lewis, writing at Mainly Macro, comes to Krugman's defense, sort of, by saying that its conceivable that an aggregate model might actually be more defensible than a micro-founded one in certain circumstances.

This view [Krugman's view that aggregate models may still be useful] appears controversial. If the accepted way of doing macroeconomics in academic journals is to almost always use a ‘fancier optimisation’ model, how can something more ad hoc be more useful? Coupled with remarks like ‘the economics profession went astray because economists, as a group, mistook beauty, clad in impressive-looking mathematics, for truth’ (from the 2009 piece) this has got a lot of others, like Stephen Williamson, upset. [skipping several paragraphs]

But suppose there is in fact more than one valid microfoundation for a particular aggregate model. In other words, there is not just one, but perhaps a variety of particular worlds which would lead to this set of aggregate macro relationships....Furthermore, suppose that more than one of these particular worlds was a reasonable representation of reality... It would seem to me that in this case the aggregate model derived from these different worlds has some utility beyond just one of these microfounded models. It is robust to alternative microfoundations.

Back on the main track, Krugman followed up with an argument for why its OK to use both aggregate and microfounded models.

And here's Noah Smith writing again, "Why bother with microfoundations?"

Using wrong descriptions of how people behave may or may not yield aggregate relationships that really do describe the economy. But the presence of the incorrect microfoundations will not give the aggregate results a leg up over models that simply started with the aggregates....

When I look at the macro models that have been constructed since Lucas first published his critique in the 1970s, I see a whole bunch of microfoundations that would be rejected by any sort of empirical or experimental evidence (on the RBC side as well as the Neo-Keynesian side). In other words, I see a bunch of crappy models of individual human behavior being tossed into macro models. This has basically convinced me that the "microfounded" DSGE models we now use are only occasionally superior to aggregate-only models. Macroeconomists seem to have basically nodded in the direction of the Lucas critique and in the direction of microeconomics as a whole, and then done one of two things: either A) gone right on using aggregate models, while writing down some "microfoundations" to please journal editors, or B) drawn policy recommendations directly from incorrect models of individual behavior.

The most recent is from Krugman, wherein he says (basically) that models that make both small and big predictions should be judged more on the big than the small.

This is just a sampling, and likely a biased one as there are many who dismiss the criticism of microfoundations out of hand and thus aren't writing detailed responses. Either way, the microfoundations models are dominant in the macro literature now, and the macro-for-policy-folks class I'm taking at the moment focuses on micro-founded models (because they're "how modern macro is done").

So what to conclude? My general impression is that microeconomics is more heavily 'evolved' than macroeconomics. (You could say that in macro the generation times are much longer, and the DNA replication bits are dodgier, so evolving from something clearly wrong towards something clearly better is taking longer.)

Around the same time that micro was getting problematized by Kahneman and others who questioned the rational utility-maximizing nature of humans, thus launching behavioral economics revolution -- which tries to complicate micro theory with a bit of reality -- the macroeconomists were just  getting around to incorporating the original microeconomic emphasis on rationality. Just how much micro will change in the next decades in response to the behavioral revolution is unclear, so expecting troglodytesque macro to have already figured this out is unrealistic.

A number of things are unclear to me: just how deep the dissatisfaction with the current models is, how broadly these critiques (vs. others from different directions) are endorsed, and what actually drives change in fields of inquiry. Looking back in another 30-40 years we might see this moment in time as a pivotal shift in the history of the development of macroeconomics -- or it may be a little hiccup that no one remembers at all. It's too soon to tell.

Updates: since writing this I've noticed several more additions to the discussion:

The US health care non-system

I spent much of yesterday thinking about the past, present, and future of the American health care system. I've largely chosen classes with an international or methodological focus so this was a bit of a departure from my normal fare. In one day I finished up some readings on health reform, wrote a brief paper speculating on what US healthcare will look like in 2030, attended a talk by Uwe Reinhardt largely based on this paper (PDF), and went to a three hour lecture on US health care (part of a class on the economics of the US welfare state). It's a mammoth subject, and there are many bloggers who write exclusively about domestic health policy -- the guys at the Incidental Economist have smart stuff to say on it every day. There's so much to be said and done even on the somewhat narrowed subject of the Affordable Care Act (ie, "ObamaCare").

But that's not what keeps popping into my head.What keeps getting reinforced is how our system really isn't a system at all, but a weird conglomeration of lots of different approaches for various fragments of our society that emerged for quirky historical and political reasons. I found this description -- from a report comparing various industrialized countries' systems -- humorously understated: "The U.S. does not have a 'health system,' but rather a variety of private and public institutions and programs that regulate, finance, and deliver care." (source)

Paul Starr's classic Social Transformation of American Medicine is a good start for trying to understand how we got to the 'variety' we have today.  The end result is that it doesn't serve very many people well at all. The US is a great place to get the most advanced care if you can afford it, but even then you're going to pay a lot more for it. For the non-wealthy the expenses are amplified and we end up rationing care by ability to pay. By pretty much every standard other than innovation (ie, including the delivery of that innovation to those who really need it, not just those who can pay) the US falls dreadfully short. We get poor life expectancy, magnified inequalities, and spending that's roughly twice as much per person as in any other wealthy country.

Ironically, whether the Affordable Care Act goes into effect in 2014 depends largely on whether Obama gets reelected, and whether Obama gets reelected or not depends largely on what the unemployment rate does between now and November. So the future of the US health system depends in a very real way on fluctuations in the economy over the next eight months, and no one really understand that well at all.

If you're just looking at the trajectory of the American health system the ACA is a major reform, even a fundamental one.  It will do (and has already started to do) a lot of good things, but I'm skeptical that it will do all that much to fix costs or shift our focus to public health ---prevention over treatment. There are a lot of good small fixes in there, but nothing revolutionary when you compare us to other countries.

And this is why I find domestic health policy profoundly depressing. It's why I've chosen to focus more on international health than domestic politics. In international health I think the prospects for witnessing and contributing to massive, heartening, orders-of-magnitude positive change in my professional lifetime are quite real. On US health policy, I'm less optimistic. My friend and classmate Jesse Singal wrote a description of the US health system -- in the context of astonishingly ridiculous remarks by some conservatives on contraception -- that I think about sums it up:  "...our medical system is an octopus riding a donkey riding a skateboard into a sadness quarry."

Monday Miscellany

It's been a while. Some recent goodies:

Phantom data

How did Phantom of the Opera get to 10,000 (!) Broadway performances? Patrick Healy reports (NYT):

From years of detailed audience surveys, the producers and creators of "Phantom" have honed the ways to maximize its appeal, whether emphasizing the show’s love story in advertising or offering sharp discounts so audience members will return. More than 40 percent of "Phantom" patrons have seen it at least once before, and a majority of "Phantom" audiences in 2011 saw no other Broadway show that year. About 68 percent were women, and nearly 60 percent were tourists.

"Based on all our data, we’re able to predict, for virtually each week of the year, what the demand for seats will be, what types of people will be coming and how to price the seats," said Alan Wasser, the production’s general manager.

Princeton epidemiology: norovirus edition

Princeton is in the midst of an outbreak of norovirus! What's norovirus, you ask? Well, it looks like this:

Not helpful? Here's the CDC fact sheet:

Noroviruses (genus Norovirus, family Caliciviridae) are a group of related, single-stranded RNA, non-enveloped viruses that cause acute gastroenteritis in humans. The most common symptoms of acute gastroenteritis are diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Norovirus is the official genus name for the group of viruses previously described as “Norwalk-like viruses” (NLV).

Noroviruses spread from person to person, through contaminated food or water, and by touching contaminated surfaces. Norovirus is recognized as the leading cause of foodborne-disease outbreaks in the United States. Outbreaks can happen to people of all ages and in a variety of settings. Read more about it using the following links.

My shorter translation: "Got an epidemic of nasty stomach problems in an institutional setting (like a nursing home or university)? It's probably norovirus. Wash your hands a lot."

The all-campus email I received earlier today is included below. Think of this as a real-time, less-sexy version of the CDC's MMWR. Emphasis added:

To: Princeton University community

Date: Feb. 6, 2012

From: University Health Services and Environmental Health and Safety

Re: Update: Campus Hygiene Advisory

In light of continuing cases of gastroenteritis on campus, University Health Services and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety want to remind faculty, staff and students about increased attentiveness to personal hygienic practices.

A few of the recent cases have tested positive for norovirus, which is a common virus that causes gastroenteritis.  While it is usually not serious and most people recover in a few days, gastroenteritis can cause periods of severe sickness and can be highly contagious. You can prevent the spread of illness by practicing good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, and limiting contact with others if sick.

Gastroenteritis includes symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. Please take the following steps if you are experiencing symptoms:

--Ill students should refrain from close contact with others and contact University Health Services at 609-258-3129 or visit McCosh Health Center on Washington Road. Ill employees are encouraged to stay home and contact their personal physicians for medical assistance.

--Wash your hands frequently and carefully with soap and warm water, and always after using the bathroom.

--Refrain from close contact with others until symptoms have subsided, or as advised by medical staff.

--Do not handle or prepare food for others while experiencing symptoms and for two-to-three days after symptoms subside.

--Increase your intake of fluids, such as tea, water, sports drinks and soup broth, to prevent dehydration.

--Avoid sharing towels, beverage bottles, food, and eating utensils and containers.

--Clean and disinfect soiled surfaces with bleach-based cleaning products. Students and others on campus who need assistance with cleaning and disinfecting soiled surfaces may call Building Services at 609-258-8000. Building Services also will be increasing disinfection of frequent touch points, such as doorknobs and restroom fixtures.

--Clean all soiled clothes and linen. Soiled linen should be washed and dried in the hottest temperature recommended by the linen manufacturer.

In the past week, University Health Services has seen more than the usual number of students experiencing symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services tested samples from a few of the cases, which were later found positive for norovirus. Because norovirus has been identified as the chief cause of gastroenteritis currently on campus, further testing is not planned at this time, but the University is urging community members to take steps to prevent the further spread of illness.

Noroviruses are the most common causes of gastroenteritis in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Anyone can become infected with gastroenteritis and presence of the illness may sometimes increase during winter months. While most people get better in a few days, gastroenteritis can be serious in young children, the elderly and people with other health conditions. Frequent hand washing with soap and warm water is your best defense against most communicable disease.

I bolded a few passages because I think the very last sentence (wash your hands) is actually the most important single part of the message and is much clearer than encouraging someone to increase "attentiveness to personal hygienic practices." But still a good message overall. At least one friend has come down with this and it sounds unpleasant...